释义 |
rant KK:[rænt] DJ:[rænt] n.[U] 1. 嚷叫声; 夸夸其谈; 豪言壮语 What he said was just rant.Don't take it seriously. 他所说的是夸夸其谈, 不要当真。 vi. 1. 怒气冲冲地叫嚷; 夸夸其谈[(+about)] The old man ranted that nobody paid any attention to his opinion. 老人怒气冲冲地叫嚷说没人听他的意见。 2. 大声责骂[(+at)] She ranted at her maid. 她大声责骂女仆。 vt. 1. 大叫大嚷地说[(+out)] He ranted out his denunciation. 他大声发出责难。
动变: ranted; ranted; ranting
同义参见: storm simmer stew .1 |