词汇 | persuasion |
释义 | persuasion KK:[pɚ`sweʒәn] DJ:[pә`sweiʒәn] n. 1. 说服, 劝说[U] 2. 说服力[U] 3. 信念; 信仰[S1][+(that)] It is my persuasion that such people should not be allowed to enter this country. 我确信这种人不应被允许进入我们的国家。 4. 宗派; 派别; 教派[C] 5. 【口】种类, 类别[C][S1] 名复: persuasions 同义: n.说服, 劝服; 诱惑 inducement suasion advice exhortation temptation allurement enticement inveiglement seduction n.说服力; 重要性; 影响力 power force potency effect moment consequence importance weight influence n.信仰; 信念; 主义 creed credo belief faith opinion conviction idea n.宗教, 派别, 团体 sect denomination communion group body organization association fellowship fraternity brotherhood society faction party interest camp side 同义参见: camp .1 confidence speculation sex religion 反义: n.说服 dissuasion |
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