词汇 | scrap |
释义 | scrap .1 KK:[skræp] DJ:[skræp] n. 1. 碎片, 小块[C] Put the scraps of paper in the wastebasket. 将碎纸片放到废纸篓里。 2. 少量, 一点点[S][(+of)] Jimmy does not have a scrap of imagination. 吉米一点想像力也没有。 3. 垃圾, 破烂[U] All he could do was sell it for scrap. 他只得把它当废物出售。 4. 片段, 选段[C] She read aloud scraps from the letter. 她高声朗读那封信的片断。 5. (从报刊剪下的)资料, 图片[C] 6. 残羹剩饭[P] He gave scraps of food to the dog. 他把剩余的食物喂了狗。 7. 切削; 废料, 废金属[U] About half of our new steel is old steel, otherwise known as scrap. 我们大约有一半的新钢是旧钢, 也叫作废钢。 vt. 1. 将…作为废物; 将…拆毁 It is high time that the old plane was scrapped. 这架旧飞机该报废了。 2. 废弃 We had to scrap our plans. 我们不得不放弃我们的计划。 名复: scraps 动变: scrapped; scrapped; scrapping 同义: n.小片 shred snatch speck particle small amount n.废(弃)物 waste litter debris trash rubbish junk garbage scrap .2 KK:[skræp] DJ:[skræp] n. 1. 【俚】争吵, 打架[S] Let's not have a scrap about it. 我们不要为这事争吵了。 vi. 1. 【俚】争吵, 打架 These two dogs are always scrapping. 这两条狗总是打架。 动变: scrapped; scrapped; scrapping 同义: vi.打仗; 打架; 争吵 fight quarrel struggle squabble tiff spat bicker row |
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