释义 |
painstaking KK:[penzˏtekɪŋ] DJ:[`peinzˏteikiŋ] adj. 1. 勤勉的, 刻苦的, 不辞辛劳的 She is making painstaking efforts to learn Chinese. 她在刻苦学习中文。 Harry is a painstaking student. 哈里是个肯下苦功的学生。 2. 十分小心的; 仔细的; 煞费苦心的 The picture has been cleaned with painstaking care. 这幅画已被十分小心地擦乾净了。 n. 1. 勤勉, 刻苦; 煞费苦心 His painstaking to attain his goal in life is praiseworthy. 他为实现人生目标所下的苦功是值得称赞的。
同义: adj.仔细的; 勤勉的 careful particular thorough elaborate diligent exacting meticulous scrupulous precise accurate
同义参见: fussy |