词汇 | shot |
释义 | shot .1 KK:[ʃɑt] DJ:[ʃɔt] (shoot的过去式和过去分词) shot .2 KK:[ʃɑt] DJ:[ʃɔt] n. 1. 射击, 开枪; 枪(炮)声[C] The policeman fired a warning shot. 警察鸣枪示警。 2. 【体】射门; 投篮; 一击[C] 3. 射击手[C] 4. 尝试; 猜测[S1][(+at)] He made a good shot at the exam. 他猜中了试题。 5. 弹丸; 炮弹[U] 6. 【体】铅球[C] 7. 【口】照片[C] I took a shot of the twin sisters. 我给那对孪生姊妹拍了一张照片。 8. 拍摄; (电影)镜头[C] 9. 注射[C] The nurse gave me a flu shot. 护士给我打了流行性感冒的针。 10. 射程[U] 11. (烈酒等的)一口, 一小杯[C] vt. 1. 给…装弹 2. 尝试, 试图 名复: shots 动变: shotted; shotted; shotting 同义: n.赌博, 冒险, 投机, 未考虑就做的交易 wager gamble bet risk hazard chance venture speculation flier plunge birl pot luck blind bargain n.破裂(声), 爆炸(声) crack report discharge blast explosion detonation bang boom burst crash firing n.子弹, 炮弹, 抛射体, 弹药 pellet bullet slug missile projectile ammunition ammo cannonball grapeshot buckshot birdshot bull BB n.射手, 神枪手 marksman sharpshooter rifleman bersagliere good shot shot deadeye n.尝试, 努力, 尽力 attempt effort endeavour go try crack stab turn chance the old college try n.猜测, 推测, 假定, 设想 guess conjecture supposition assumption presumption hypothesis postulate n.注射(液), 配药, 用量 injection booster booster shot inoculation vaccine vaccination jab dose hit n.照片, 图片 photograph photo picture snapshot snap shot .3 KK:[ʃɑt] DJ:[ʃɔt] adj. 1. 【口】摆脱了的; 结束了的[F][(+of)] He was at last shot of the burden. 他终於去掉了这个包袱。 2. 织成杂色的[(+with)] 3. 【口】精疲力尽的; 用坏的; 破旧的 This TV set is shot. 这台电视机已用坏了。 She was shot when she got home. 她回到家里时精疲力尽了。 同义: adj.杂色的, 多色的 variegated varicoloured multicoloured adj.彻底毁坏的, 死了的, 耗坏的 ruined wrecked dead defunct spent exhausted worn-out sunk cooked kaput |
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