词汇 | benevolent |
释义 | benevolent KK:[bә`nєvәlәnt] DJ:[bi`nevәlәnt] adj. 1. 仁慈的, 厚道的, 有爱心的 The old woman had a benevolent feeling towards all cats. 那个老太太对所有的猫都怀有仁慈之心。 2. 亲切的, 善意的 3. 行善的, 慈善的 The club received a benevolent donation. 该俱乐部接受了一笔慈善捐款。 同义: adj.仁慈的, 富有同情心的 kind good good-hearted warm-hearted humane kindly kind-hearted beneficent benign benignant charitable bounteous liberal open-handed magnanimous philanthropic humanitarian munificent big-hearted merciful soft-hearted compassionate tender gentle clement lenient mild gracious chivalrous broad-minded sympathetic forbearant tenderhearted accommodating obliging indulgent doing good generous altruistic giving adj.好施的 charitable eleemosynary 同义参见: compassionate .1 tolerant fatherly 反义: adj.仁慈的; 厚道的 merciless cruel pitiless |
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