词汇 | line |
释义 | line .1 KK:[laɪn] DJ:[lain] n.[C] 1. 绳, 线, 索 She hung the wash on the line. 她将洗好的衣服晾在绳子上。 2. 线条 Draw a line from A to B. 从A点划一条线到B点。 3. 列, 排; (等待顺序的)行列 There is a long line at the ticket office. 售票处排着长队。 4. 交通线; 航线; 铁路线 A new bus line runs straight to the airport. 一条新的巴士线路直抵机场。 5. (诗文的)一行 He quoted a few lines of Milton. 他引了密尔顿的几行诗。 6. 皱纹 His face is covered with lines. 他的脸上布满了皱纹。 7. 外形, 轮廓[P1] The new car has very sleek lines. 这种新车线条很流畅。 8. 电话线; 电报线 Freedie was speaking on the other end of the line. 弗雷迪正在另一头接电话。 9. 【口】短简, 短函[S] Drop me a line when you arrive. 你到达以後给我来一封信。 10. 方式, 方法 His novels follow traditional lines. 他的小说是以传统的方法创作的。 11. (政治)路线, 方针 The government took a hard line on strikes. 政府对罢工采取强硬的路线。 12. 行业; 擅长; 兴趣 What is your line? 你是从事哪一行的? 13. (货物等的)种类 This dress is one of our latest lines. 这件衣服是我们的最新产品之一。 14. 赤道[the S] 15. 界线; 战线 A small group of soldiers were parachuted behind enemy lines. 一小队士兵被空降在敌人後方。 16. 消息; 迹象[S][(+on)] Can you give me a line on the new boss? 你能跟我讲讲新老板的情况吗? 17. 台词[P1] She learned her lines in a few hours. 她几个小时就背熟了台词。 vt. 1. 用线标示; 划线於 He lined the paper with a blue pencil. 他用蓝铅笔在纸上划了线。 2. 使有线条, 使起皱纹 His face was lined with worry. 忧虑使他脸上布满了皱纹。 3. 沿…排列 The streets were lined on both sides with people. 街道两旁都站着人。 vi. 1. 排队, 排齐[(+up)] The troops lined up and marched away. 部队列队开走了。 名复: lines 动变: lined; lined; lining 同义: n.绳; 铁丝; 线条 rope cord wire string n.条纹; 击 mark stroke stripe streak dash n.边缘; 界线 edge boundary limit confine n.排列; 排 row arrangement series sequence n.种类 type kind brand sort make line .2 KK:[laɪn] DJ:[lain] vt. 1. 给(衣服等)装衬里[H][(+with)] The coat was lined with silk. 这上衣的衬里是用丝绸做的。 2. 用作(衣服等的)衬里 Strong cloth lined the trunk. 这箱子用很结实的布作衬里。 3. 填(腰包) The policeman lined his pockets with bribes. 这警察接受贿赂中饱私囊。 动变: lined; lined; lining |
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