词汇 | seed |
释义 | seed KK:[sid] DJ:[si:d] n. 1. 种子, 籽[C][U] 2. 原因, 根源[C] He was cursed for sowing seeds of discord among his friends. 他因在朋友中挑拨离间而被人咒骂。 3. 种子选手[C] 4. 子孙, 後代[U] vt. 1. 在…播种[H][(+with)] The fields have been seeded with corn. 田里播种了玉米。 2. 除去(水果)的籽 3. 【美】催(云)化雨[(+with)] 4. 编排(种子选手)[H] Tony was seeded number two. 汤尼被定为第二号种子选手。 vi. 1. (植物)结实, 结子 This flower seeds in the fall. 这花秋天结实。 2. 脱籽 3. 播种 名复: seeds, seed 动变: seeded; seeded; seeding 同义: n.胚胎, 卵, 块茎, 球根 ovule embryo germ ovum tuber bulb corm grain nut n.源泉, 起源, 基础, 动机 germ source root origin cause basis reason motive motivation motivating factor wellspring beginning start n.子孙, 後裔, 支脉, 继承人, 幼兽, 幼苗 progeny descendants offspring offshoots issue posterity scions successors heirs heirs apparent lineage succession progeniture family children sons daughters chicks calves shoots offsets stems sprouts sprigs plantlets cuttings vi.,vt.播种, 散播, 种植, 植入 scatter sow distribute plant put in set in 同义参见: heir core rudiment |
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